Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Manage Your Life: Create the Outcomes You Desire!

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Do you believe the following?: that you are in poverty, you were born into poverty and there is nothing you can do to get yourself out of poverty? When you latch onto this idea, hold it in mind, and make it reality, this becomes your truth.  Your subconscious mind creates what you believe about yourself.  […]

Manage Your Life: Create the Conditions to Manage Your Life

Filed Under Emotional Healing, Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing | Comments Off on Manage Your Life: Create the Conditions to Manage Your Life

Everyone on planet Earth has a different story. We all have to create the conditions to manage our lives and create our own stories from the resources we have gathered over our lifetime. If your life is not turning out how you envisioned it, make adjustments and change your story. What are your beliefs? Are […]