Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

“If only I could find a way to bounce back on trying days.”  Have you ever found yourself wishing this?  There’s so much beauty in the world — it’d be a shame to let your state of mind prevent you from enjoying it all.

It’s time to make a positive change!  Believe it or not, all the power to make that change is within you!

Here are 3 approaches to use to help your gloomy days take a turn for the better:

  1. Reaffirm yourself. Lots of things in life can leave you feeling discouraged. But by no means is discouragement supposed to consume your existence! In fact, you owe it to yourself to live an inspired life. And one of the best ways to do that is to keep your self-image intact.
  1. Conquer a physical challenge. A lot of times, a challenging physical exploit can help you appreciate life. It also helps you to recognize your inner strengths. When you realize just how strong you are, it’s easier to conquer a discouraging day.

  1. Help others. One of the easiest ways to change discouragement to hope is to help others in need. Giving less fortunate people a glimmer of hope helps you to appreciate what you have.

As you incorporate these activities into your life, you can begin to notice a change in your outlook. Challenges that used to seem unconquerable are now minor distractions in your life. You may even start to feel like you’re BIGGER than any challenge thrown at you. It’s at just this moment that you’ll be able to recognize that your former-discouragement has changed to empowerment!


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