Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!
 Meditating under Tree

Meditating under Tree

A common myth about meditation is that it must be laborious and time consuming.  It is purported to require strenuous devotion and a lifetime of practice.

Now, certainly, there are monks and nuns who dedicate their entire lives to the practice of meditation.  Doing so, allows them to create a state and lifestyle of contemplation.

In recent research on the effects of Mindfulness Meditation, it was found that growth in key brain areas — those areas responsible for memory, flexibility of thinking, and mood regulation — occurred after just eight weeks of practicing the meditation!  Imagine!

Participants in the study were instructed to practice for up to 40 minutes each day.  The more they practiced, the more growth occurred, as measured by MRI — Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

It was the conclusion of the researchers that you can get mental benefits from meditating just 20 minutes a day, a couple times a week.  How can you build this practice — for all of its massive life-enhancing benefits — into your day?


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