Tip #1: Taking Notice in Your Life!
Filed Under Emotional Healing, Mental Healing, Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing
This first Tip is aimed at getting you started to choose the specific area-for-change that will be your starting point. To successfully make any journey, it is important to determine where to start!
This first Tip is: Be aware of your experience each and every moment.
There is a whole gamut of experiences going on within you—and around you—at any given moment. Your awareness of your inner experience—just attending to what is going on inside of you—your heart rate, your thoughts, your breathing—puts you in the position to make positive decisions that honor your inner state.
Your observation of what goes on in your surroundings—just noticing, not judging—recognizing that you cannot change most of it—letting it be what it is—puts you in the position to make positive decisions that honor your outer state. This, in turn, allows you to be more proactive in your life.
Now, record what you notice. If you like what you become aware of—great! Let it stay that way!
If you do NOT like something that you become aware of—great! You can take the steps to change it! Just mark it down … we’ll use it later.
Take what you have recorded to guide your choice in what changes to start with. Then, from the list of items that you have recorded, set up your priorities. Determine which of those recorded changes to begin with first.
Once this is done—by the very action of doing it—you are on your way!
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