Tip #7: Notice Your Self-Talk
Filed Under Emotional Healing, Mental Healing, Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing
How did you do with Tip #6? As a reminder, it is: Be Mindful of Your Thoughts!
What did you notice when you paid attention to your thoughts? Were they positive? Were they negative? Did you notice any thoughts that were part of a pattern of thinking? Was it negative? positive? What feelings did you notice?
This brings us to Tip #7: Notice Your Self-Talk.
Self-Talk are the messages we give ourselves ABOUT ourselves. Examples of positive Self-Talk include, “I am proud of myself for completing this difficult task!” and “I am an intelligent person!”
Examples of negative Self-Talk include, “Everything I touch goes awry or blows up!” and “I’m never going to amount to anything!” Self-Talk pumps the message DIRECTLY to your subconscious mind — often, with considerable emotional charge. This makes the Self-Talk messages especially potent!
Since this is the case, it is VERY important to notice the Self-Talk messages that you are giving to yourself. When the message is positive, it programs your mind in a positive direction. When the message is negative, it programs your mind in a counterproductive direction.
Keep a record of what you notice as you pay attention to your Self-Talk. I would enjoy hearing from you about your own experiences and discoveries.
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