Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Almost thirty-three years has passed since the time that Norman Cousins popularized his findings on the healing which can be effected by laughter.  Since that time , solid research has been performed that Healing Power of Laughterdemonstrates just how laughter triggers healthy physical changes in the body.

Dr. Lee S. Berk is a psychoneuroimmunology researcher and preventive care specialist at Loma Linda University’s Schools of Allied Health (SAHP) and Medicine and the director of the molecular research lab at SAHP, Loma Linda, CA.  He has conducted research with Dr. Stanley Tan since the 1980s.  Together, they have studied the human body’s response to a positive-stress reaction, which they termed “mirthful laughter”.

Dr. Berk, Dr. Tan and their colleagues experimented with repetitious “mirthful laughter,” which they call Laughercise©.  The studies of conducted by these researchers have shown that repetitious “mirthful laughtermcauses the body to respond in a way similar to moderate physical exercise. Laughercise© has been found to enhance human mood, decrease stress hormones, and enhance immune activity.  In addition, it has been shown to lower bad cholesterol and systolic blood pressure, and raise good cholesterol (HDL).

As Berk explains, “We are finally starting to realize that our everyday behaviors and emotions are modulating our bodies in many ways.” His latest research goes on to expand the role of laughter even further.

So — go ahead!  There’s no need to hold back — it’s time to Laugh yourself to Good Health!!


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