Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

To continue our focus to reduce negative thinking, the following technique is unbeatable!

Remember that your subconscious mind is actively working to create that which you are thinking.  Hence, by the kinds of thoughts you think, you directly create the outcomes you experience in your life.

Today’s direction targets those thoughts that you choose to think about yourself.

It is important to know.

Why is it so important?, you might ask.  It is important specifically because — if you have been giving yourself negative self-talk messages — you can Build Self-Confidence by The Life Coach Dr., Dr. Marlene ShipleCHANGE this!  And, when you do, your confidence is able to grow by leaps and bounds!

  1. Do Things that Boost Your Confidence

When it comes to the confidence you feel about your self, keeping your self-talk messages positive is invaluable.  Your word — especially your word about yourself — is powerful!  Remember:  Your subconscious mind works to manifest just those words into reality.

When you refer to your confidence to do different things — to be successfulin accomplishing your goals — to take the initiative to get started on making your dreams come true, building your self confidence is vitally important to your ultimate success.  How does it feel when you tell yourself, “I could never do that”?  Now, how dos it feel when you tell yourself, “I CAN do that!”?

To get started on boosting your confidence and self-esteem, begin to actively give yourself POSITIVE messages about yourself and your undertakings.  Go out of your way to do things that will take you out of your comfort zone, give yourself acknowledgement and a pat-on-the-back for your courage, and — by so-doing — give your self-esteem a boost.

To help you focus more-fully on keeping your thoughts positive, how about creating a practice of journaling?  Our Positivity JournalMy Positivity Journal:  The Art of Journaling for a Postiive Mindset — is one place to begin.


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