Do you believe the following?:
- that you are in poverty,
- you were born into poverty and
- there is nothing you can do to get yourself out of poverty?
When you latch onto this idea, hold it in mind, and make it reality, this becomes your truth. Your subconscious mind creates what you believe about yourself. This is called self-fulfilling prophecy. However, if you do not attach yourself to these idea, this reality does not need not become your truth.
How do some people make it out of poverty to go on to become some of the most successful people you have ever heard about? These people create the conditions in order to rise above their circumstance.
If you want to change being poor, make it happen. No one can do it for you. You have to see yourself being something other than poor. Create the conditions by studying, reading, getting a mentor, follow the guide of someone else who you want to emulate who has made themselves successful.
Along with that thought, who does not wish that they were wealthy? You have to be able to see yourself as rich and it is a condition cause by wealth consciousness.
The vast majority of people who have become rich were individuals who made it big through hard work and created the conditions to become that way. It doesn’t matter if you are an entrepreneur or a company employee who started at the bottom of the corporate ladder and worked their way to the top. You can do anything you set your mind to so don’t let anyone tell you differently.
Create the conditions to manage your life and see where you end up. Great things can happen if you make them happen. It is important that you take FOCUSED ACTION … and not rely on others to do it for you.