Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Procrastination is the root of unachieved dreams and success. It’s the most important factor between you and the prize you’ve set your eyes on. BEnd Procrastion by The Life Coach Dr., Dr. Marlene Shipleut somehow it’s difficult to eliminate it.

For some reason, you may be magnetized by delaying the tasks at hand. The sense that there’s enough time to get things done can be misleading. It can be the difference between celebrated success and shattered dreams.

End procrastination once and for all by slowly taking some steps towards a renewed approach:

  1. Prioritize opportunities. If something isn’t important to you, you’ll probably spend very little time trying to achieve it. That reality is the basis of your priority list. The achievements that really matter most belong at the top. Everything else can fall whenever. And that might even mean falling off the list!

  1. Break down tasks into achievable bits. It’s easy to put things off because they seem too overwhelming. Your natural instinct may be to shy away from things that are too complex. You can fix this by breaking down your tasks. This makes the prize seem more attainable.

Once you’ve checked something off your list, you’ll be one step closer to the prize. The feeling of progress is incomparable!


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