Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

When you are feeling stressed, try out this quick remedy: Stop, get still, focus on the present moment, then notice your breathing.

That’s right — pay attention to how you are breathing …

What do you notice?

Often, in response to feeling pressured or stressed, it is easy to hold your breath. Doing so, just serves to tense you more.

So, what do you do?: Exhale deeply. Just let out all tension and tightness, along with the deep, slow exhale. Release all carbon dioxide and waste products. Let that all go!

Now, inhale deeply. Breathe in slowly and deeply … allowing the oxygen to recharge you.

Continue to breathe in this fashion for at least 15 slow, deep breaths. Then, notice how you are feeling … and continue to breathe in this way!


One Response to “Relaxation Breathing”

  1. Administrator on April 20th, 2008 7:37 pm

    Have you been paying better attention to your state of mind/body? This brings you more effectively into the NOW … and attunes your awareness to this Present Moment.

    Using Relaxation Breathing can help you to remain focused in the here and now. It can assist you to stay grounded. It can help you to increase your ability relax and RESPOND to this moment … in productive, effective ways.

    I encourage you to continue to practice your Relaxation Breathing — that’s 15 slow, deep breaths, allowing the fresh oxygen to re-energize your mind and body!