Tip #2: Let Your Breathing Benefit Your Life!
Filed Under Emotional Healing, Mental Healing, Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing
How did you do with the last Tip — Tip #1? As a reminder, it is: Be aware of your experience each and every moment.
What did you notice as you were staying aware in the present? Of what were you aware within yourself? What did you attend to in your surroundings?
This information brings us to Tip #2: Begin to be aware of the pattern of your breathing.
Noticing the rhythm of your breathing provides you with important assistance to keep your attention focused on the present moment. To put this into action: Right now, begin to notice your breathing. While you are aware of your breathing, begin to take gradually slower and deeper breaths. That’s right: slow it way down.
Now, while you are breathing slowly, what happens inside of you? What happens physiologically? What occurs mentally? What goes on emotionally? What do you experience in the energy-part of your being?
As you become more aware, begin to play with the idea that, if you should want to do so, you could begin to alter these responses. Once you become aware of some response, if it is not what benefits you most, you can change it!
For example, physiologically, you could slow down your bodily processes and allow yourself to become more relaxed. Once you are more relaxed, you can choose what you wish to do now that you are feeling more relaxed and calm.
By becoming more aware—not going along on auto-pilot—you put yourself into the position of taking charge of important aspects of your life. No longer do you respond merely by habit, now you can DECIDE what response will serve you best!
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