Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

What do you have to be thankful for?

With the Thanksgiving holiday in the U. S. quickly approaching, this can be a perfect time to answer this question for yourself.  Affirming GratitudeThat’s right — What do you have to be thankful for?  What can you affirm gratitude for?

When you put thought into discovering what it is that you have to experience gratitude about, you focus time and energy on the very concept of gratitude.  According to the principle of behavioral reinforcement, “What you focus on, strengthens”, the more you focus on those events for which you feel grateful, the more gratitude you can feel and the more additional events arise for which to feel grateful!

So, what is a simple way to go about giving thanks?

The simplest way that I know to give thanks is through the use of affirmations.  That’s right — by affirming gratitude, you can swiftly and directly add appreciation in your daily life.  Affirmations are specific, positive, here-and-now statements that activate your subconscious mind to create in your life.

Once you allow it to sink into your subconscious mind that you can have all that you need and desire, your subconscious mind quickly and easily creates just this outcome in your life!  Now, let’s look at a few other affirmations that can affect more abundance in your life —

  1. I am continually amazed at how abundant my life is!
  2. My needs and desires are generously met!
  3. I relax completely and experience myself to be stronger, healthier, and more fully alive!

For more  ideas on gratitude, I invite you to visit The Life Coach Dr. website at:


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