Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Having a goal you are reaching for is how you achieve what you want. The problem is often staying motivated, though. Sometimes you need help, but when should you ask for it?

Achieving a goal or changing a behavior is a big undertaking, and you need support more than ever. Even if you have a close support system, they may not be confident in helpinBelieve that you can ... and you can!g you in something they haven’t done themselves.

The time to ask for help is when:
• You’re stuck. You may have reached a point in your road when you don’t know what step to take next. This is a great time to ask a Life Coach or mentor for help in determining what you should do. They can help you figure out the next several steps you should be taking to reach your goal.

• You fail. If you have worked hard at your goal, but hit a snag and end up failing, you lose your motivation to continue. This is the time to ask an accountability partner for support. They will encourage you and help you get motivated to try again. Accountability partners can be colleagues, your significant other, your Life Coach, or a social group you belong to.

• You are overwhelmed. If you are on a diet, for example, you might be overwhelmed with the bad choices that you get bombarded with daily. This is the time to ask a friend, family member, or your Life Coach to help you make the right choices and keep you motivated to abstain when that doughnut stares you in the face.

• You lose interest in the daily steps. Sometimes the steps to reaching your goal can be mundane and boring. It’s hard to stay motivated when this happens. This is when you need to ask others for encouragement. It can come from friends and family, your Life Coach, or anyone else who knows how much you want to reach your goal.

For Life Coaching assistance, contact Dr. Marlene Shiple at (602) 266 – 6662.


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