Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Keys to Independence!Today is July 4. In the U.S., today is a day to celebrate Independence — earned dearly by those who engage in serving and defending our country. I offer a sincere “Thank You!” for your selflessness and your service to any of you who have ever been so-engaged!

Independence is a concept that is important in our personal lives, as well. There are many ways in which we limit our personal freedom. Negative thinking is one way that creates massive limitation!

Below are 3 ways to combat negative thinking — and, by so-doing — build your personal independence:

1. Wear a Smile
Your facial muscles communicate with your brain.  Hence, by your actions, you can affect your outlook and mood. Putting on a smile allows you to look and feel more cheerful!

2. Count Your Blessings
Gratitude reinforces optimism! For a day-starter: The second you awaken in the morning, begin thinking about that for which you are thankful.  Write out a gratitude list — then, read and focus on it throughout the day.

3. Practice Mindfulness
Engage FULLY in whatever you are doing. As you act from your heart and increase your awareness, even tedious tasks become more meaningful and more rewarding.

I share these Quick Tips as a gift — and encourage you to USE them over and over — as a pathway to celebrating your own Independence Day. Let’s celebrate Freedom — your Personal Independence Day!


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