Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

Are you searching for good things in your life?  There is a universal secret that can bring good things your way.  It is known as the Law of Attraction Success. Understanding the Principles behind this Law can bring you happiness, Art of Allowing:  Laws of Attractionwealth, and physical well-being.  A few basic Principles of the Law of Attraction can help you on your way.

Principle #1:  Your thoughts become reality.  Thoughts are things!  Your thoughts are energy … just as the entire universe is energy.  As you ponder your reality — or simply let thoughts run through your mind — you shape your reality.  This is an example of the Law of Attraction — the Laws of Manifestation — in operation.  The energy you send out attracts like energy.  Then, the universe responds to your thoughts by returning that energy back to you.  Note well:  This principle operates with equal precision whether your thoughts are positive or negative.

Principle #2:  Foster thoughts — and their resultant feelings — of happiness, gratitude, and well-being.  This is a direct application of the Art of Allowing!  This will be more effective than were you to try to change every thought individually.  Besides, it is too difficult to monitor every one of the more than 60,000 thoughts you have every day.

Principle #3:  Feelings are important to the effectiveness of the Law of Attraction.  When you keep your feelings positive, you put yourself into the position to experience life as joyous and fulfilling.  On the other hand, when you allow your feelings to dwell on the negative, you make your life an aggregate of difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a mountain of debt.  Unless these latter attitudes are changed, they will block the abundance that is possible in your life.

When you follow the Law of Attraction — and keep your thoughts positive — you open the channels to abundance in your life.  According to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible.  One concept of the Law of Attraction can be stated as, “What you get is what you see.”  What this means is that, when you visualize a result, you vibrate with energy based on that result.  For example, if you focus on positive, you send out positive energy.

This energy returns to you in the form of even-more-positive results.  So, if you desire to experience positive results, you need to find a way to see the good — the positive potential — in situations.  This is how the Law of Attraction works. When you see good, more good returns to you.

In addition, it is important to use your word — which is profoundly powerful.  Via using your word, ask for the abundance that you desire the Law of Attraction to bring your way.  When you command the Universe to give you what you want, you energize the action whereby what you want comes to you.  Of course, to activate this energy, it is important to have faith and confidence in the Principle working.  Having asked for — commanded that you be given — what you want, you then accept it coming — and expect it to come — to you:  “This, or something even better, now comes to be!”  Having released your request, you can then relax and allow the good to come to you … in the most timely fashion possible!

The Law of Attraction is at once both simple and complex.  You must only ask and receive … and, then, do your part through action to accomplish positive outcomes in your life.  Putting this Law into practice in your life — with confidence — starts of chain-reaction of positive outcomes returning to you, in abundance.


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