Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

What LIVING Mindfulness is:  LIVING Mindfulness

LIVING Mindfulness Program with The Life Coach Dr., Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.* LIVING Mindfulness helps focus your mind to pay attention

* LIVING Mindfulness is being in the present moment without judgment

* LIVING Mindfulness allows you to meet your inevitable challenges in a more relaxed and perceptive manner

* LIVING Mindfulness provides a sense of connection, calm and well-being, which allows your day-to-day life to have more meaning and ease

* LIVING Mindfulness helps you develop greater awareness, clarity and acceptance. A non-judgmental attitude can often diffuse the tension in both yourself and others

* LIVING Mindfulness provides a simple – yet powerful – way to get ourselves back in touch with your wisdom and vitality, and is a tool to help you get/stay “unstuck”

* LIVING Mindfulness provides you with a practice that you can carry with you into every aspect of your life, even your most-pressured moments

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