Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

The following motivational strategies can help you persevere to attain your 3 Motivation Strategies for Goal Successmost-cherished goals:

Strategy #1: Do It — for as Long as It Takes!
It is very important that you not give up on your goal. Even if your route to success turns out to be longer and more twisted than you expected it to be. Such is the card life has dealt you. Success requires that you deal with it and — again — move on.

Strategy #2: Aim to be Better … not Perfect!
Aiming to be perfect is like aiming for the moon. You will never be able to reach it — such is impossible. What you can do is to improve yourself and make yourself — or your situation — better.

You may not be able to reach for the moon. However, if you were to arm yourself with a telescope, you would bring the moon much closer. Aiming at improvement is something you CAN accomplish in order to bring your goals within reach.

Strategy #3: Never say “Never” … except that You will Never Quit!
Some motivational activities in which you can engage include the following —
a) You may decide to change tactics;
b) You might rest for awhile; and
c) You could redefine your goal.
None of these mean that you are quitting. Never needs to never be a part of your vocabulary — even if that sounds contradictory. The moment you start entertaining doubts is the moment you allow yourself to start losing.

How can you begin to use these strategies in your own life — and improve your opportunities for goal success — starting today?


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