Marlene Shiple, Ph.D. The Life Coach Dr.: Heal Your Past + Heal Your Thoughts + Heal Your Self => Heal Your Life!

The holidays are nearly here!  Do you find yourself already getting sucked into the whirl of activity that chaStress Relief: Relieve Holiday Stressracterizes this time of year?

With so much to do and so many people to see, it’s easy to see how one can get MORE stressed than ever … even though this is, traditionally, intended to be the season of peace and goodwill.

Follow the following tips on 5 ways to relieve stress during the holidays. Would you let me know how they help you come through smiling and stress free?

Give to others by volunteering at a community project, center or event.  There is plenty of evidence to show that giving to others, especially at this time of year when the focus is so firmly on materialism, actually helps to relieve our own stress.  Connecting with others in this way raises your self-esteem. It also can raise the self-esteem of other family members that you may choose to involve, especially your children.

Practice positive self-talk.  An excellent way to do this is to think up and write out your own positive affirmations.  Choose ones that are especially appropriate to your situation.

You could, for example, write something like: ‘I am handling the holidays perfectly with calm and good humor!’ Then, stick up little notes with your affirmation all around — to make it easy to see them and be reminded to repeat and follow them.  Or, keep a copy in your pocket to be referred to in moments of stress!

Set priorities and stick to them.  All too often we become swamped by the million different demands placed upon us during the holiday season.  One good way to combat this is to decide what is most important to you and what, therefore, needs to be tackled first.

This could be something as simple as putting up the Christmas tree or could involve organizing all the travel arrangements over the holidays.  Whatever it is, prioritize, make a list and work down that list in order. You’ll find that you feel a lot less stressed out when you have dealt with what matters to you most.

Don’t forget to play.  Whether it’s a board game or something sportier like a game of tennis, taking part in a fun activity is a great way to relieve stress at this time of year.  The social interaction involved bonds us more closely with family or friends, PLUS the focus on something other than the hectic pace of life-around-you serves as a great stress-buster.

Whether or not you are religious, do something to replenish your spiritual reserves.  Examples of this include praying, reading a meaningful book or poetry, visiting a place of worship, taking a walk in nature or visiting an art exhibit or gallery.

It is important to refill your spiritual reserves so that your stores of spiritual energy can act as a buffer against everyday stress. Awareness of spiritual realities serves as a reminder that there is so much more to life and our existence. This awareness allows for the release of those events that are, in reality, petty concerns.

So there you have it – my top 5 ways to relieve stress during the holidays.  Now think up some of your own stress-busting techniques to help you get through the Christmas season.  Add some other activities you enjoy to the mix — such as exercise or time to enjoy a particular hobby or interest.

Just because it is the holidays does not mean you have to let go of your normal routines.  In fact, normal tasks can prove invaluable for coping with the stresses and demands at this time.  A sensible combination of old and new can ensure a happy, relaxed time for you and those around you.  This allows you to approach 2016 not only stress-free, but also ready to make-the-most of New Year opportunities!


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