We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
— Aristotle
Does this quote resonate within you? I find that for the majority of clients with whom I work, this quote resonates well.
Often, you are known by what you do more so than by what you say (or, you say you do!). If you are consistent in your actions — especially in your work ethic — people tend to take notice. This being the case: Don’t do a good job, do a great job!
Your consistent behavior in your job will translate to excellence, and that is what your employer will appreciate. And, when this applied consistently, it leads to a pattern that is apt to be rewarded.
- Be consistent.
- Do a great job.
- Do more than expected.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Am I consistent in my actions?
- Do I do my best work each and every day?
- Am I providing my employer with excellence?
- If not, what can I do today to begin to change this?
Success consists of doing the common things of life uncommonly well.
— Unknown
Many people wonder about how to be successful. This quote explains what becoming successful means in simple terms.
Truly successful people have integrity, a strong worth ethic, a desire to succeed, and tenacity to keep working even when it seems that things aren’t going well. Using these principles diligently, they find ways to provide successful outcomes.
They don’t give up easily. Rather, they keep going forward — persistently, repeatedly — regardless of the number of times they are knocked back.
What do you imagine would happen if you were to adopt the following work-ethic:
- Be honest.
- Work diligently.
- Be persistent — Don’t give up.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Do I always act in an honest way? Do I show integrity?
- Do I give my employer an honest day’s work for what I’m paid?
- Am I determined to succeed and refuse to give up?
Positive Thinking: My Positivity Journal
Filed Under Communication, Emotional Healing, Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Spiritual Healing
How would you like to really boost your success in eliminating the negative thinking, and becoming more positive? Now you can!
We have created a brand new journal to help you with Positive Focus. It’s called My Positivity Journal: The Art of Journaling for a Positive Mindset … and it’s designed just for YOU!
Since your subconscious mind creates what you are thinking — in the manner in which you are thinking it — it is vitally important that you engage in positive thought! This journal aims at helping you create kust such a Positive Focus.
Journaling is an instrument of creative expression. It allows you, the reader, to write your private thoughts and ideas, feelings, insights, areas of awareness, etc. It is a safe place in which to express yourself. It allows you the opportunity to record your fondest hopes, aspirations, feelings, and dreams … and your journey on the path to Positive Thinking.
Of course, the very BEST way to learn about all of this is to create a practice of Journaling for yourself! Get your copy of My Positivity Journal: The Art of Journaling for a Positive Mindset today. It is published on at
Positive Thinking: 2 Additional Techniques for Positive Thinking
Filed Under Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Spiritual Healing, Stress Remedies
Thoughts are things. Negative thoughts are things … that most people do not want to have. Knowing what to do about them can help you should you find that negative thoughts are plaguing you. Whether these are about yourself, the things you’re doing, your job or other people, it can be difficult to get rid of negative thoughts once they enter your mind.
Here are the last of our 6 techniques that you can use to stop negative thoughts.
- Meditate Regularly
Regular meditation can give you the chance to take a moment to breathe deeply and slowly … and think about your life. Or, it can give you the chance to simply take time to breathe deeply and slowly.
Giving yourself this time each day — or even just a couple of times a week — can help you to promote positive thoughts. In addition it can help you get rid of any negative thoughts Read more
Positive Thinking: Positive Associates
Filed Under Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Spiritual Healing, Stress Remedies
How important are your surroundings to your Positive Mindset and Positive Attitude? How much are you affected by those around you?
Think about how you feel when you spend extended time with someone who
- is despondent and emotionally down and/or
- speaks negatively and/or
- criticizes everyone and everything and/or
- complains a lot
How do you end up feeling when you walk away from this person?
Now, think about how you feel when you spend extended time with someone who
- is happy and cheerful
- is enthusiastic about his/her activities
- is optimistic about events in her/his life
- expresses delight to be spending time with you
How do you feel when you walk away from this person?
If you said, “I feel heavy and discouraged” as you walk away from the person who was negative …Â Â Or, if you said, “I feel uplifted and joyful” as you Read more
Positive Thinking: Boost Confidence
Filed Under Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Stress Remedies
To continue our focus to reduce negative thinking, the following technique is unbeatable!
Remember that your subconscious mind is actively working to create that which you are thinking. Hence, by the kinds of thoughts you think, you directly create the outcomes you experience in your life.
Today’s direction targets those thoughts that you choose to think about yourself.
- Are your self-talk messages positive?
- Are your self-talk messages negative?
It is important to know.
Why is it so important?, you might ask. It is important specifically because — if you have been giving yourself negative self-talk messages — you can CHANGE this! And, when you do, your confidence is able to grow by leaps and bounds!
- Do Things that Boost Your Confidence
When it comes to the confidence you feel about your self, keeping Read more
Positive Thinking: Focus on the Positive!
Filed Under Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Stress Remedies
Thoughts are things — they become active in your life. This activation of thoughts occurs through the operation of your subconscious mind. One major role of the subconscious mind is to create what it is commanded to create.
Routinely, you give commands to your subconscious mind through that which you are thinking.
Negative thoughts are things that most people really want to have, but it is possible to have them happen when you are not staying mindfully aware. Whether it’s about yourself, the things you’re doing, your job or other people, it can be difficult to get rid of negative thoughts once they enter your mind.
Our second technique for combating negative thinking is the following:
- Focus on the Positive
Whether or not you have any negative thoughts at the moment, you can help to keep negative thoughts away by focusing on positive aspects of situations. Throughout the day, consciously and purposefully think about the things you like about yourself and your life. Take time to reflect on the many blessings that are yours each day.
Positive Focus does marvels toward dispelling negative thought!
Please leave a comment about how you use positive thoughts to create a positive mindset in your life.
Positive Thinking: Actively STOP Negative Thoughts!
Filed Under Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Stress Remedies
Negative thoughts are things that most people really want to have, but it is possible to have them happen when you are not staying mindfully aware. Whether it’s about —
- yourself
- the things you’re doing,
- your job or
- other people
it can be difficult to get rid of negative thoughts once they enter your mind.
In our next series of blog posts, I will include a number of techniques that you can use to stop negative thoughts:
- Practice Actively Stopping Negative Thoughts
If you feel that you’re about to start thinking negatively, stop the thoughts before they have a chance to really kick in and take over your mind. If you’ve already started thinking negatively, actively change the thoughts to positive ones.
That’s right. As the first whisper of a negative thought starts to enter your mind, quickly — yet with Read more
Forgiveness Journal: Record Your Forgiveness Journey
Filed Under Communication, Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Positive Thinking, Spiritual Healing, Stress Remedies
Keeping a Forgiveness journal as a helpful tool while on your Forgiveness journey. There are a lot of advantages to journaling.
If you’ve kept a diary in the past, you may be familiar with some of them. If you haven’t tried it yet, I seriously encourage you to give it a try. It can be very helpful. A journal or diary is always available to you. It is ready to listen as you pour out your thoughts and feelings on the page.
Your journal can be fancy. At the same time, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Chances are you already have everything you need.
You can use a notebook. Or, you might already have an attractive journal — perhaps, one you bought years ago and never cracked the cover … or, got past making the first entry.
If you prefer, you might choose to keep a digital diary. To do so, just open a word document on your computer and start writing entries. You could also keep a voice- or video-recording on your phone. It doesn’t matter how you journal your forgiveness journey as long as Read more
Forgiveness: Forgiving Yourself
Filed Under Emotional Healing, Life Coaching, Mental Healing, Spiritual Healing, Stress Remedies
So far, in these blog posts, we’ve talked a lot about forgiving others. There’s one very important person we’ve not talked about yet – and that’s you. It’s about time we take a closer look at forgiving yourself, what it means, why it’s so difficult, and why it is important.
Forgiving yourself is often harder than forgiving anyone else. We can be extremely hard on ourselves.
We may be are our own worst critics and as a result it’s often tough to forgive ourselves. It can be hard to admit and let go of our mistakes. Yet self-forgiveness is one of the most powerful parts of self-love.
When you learn to forgive yourself your past mistakes, you aren’t just able to start moving on. You will also start to develop a deeper feeling of self-worth.
With this feeling of self-worth comes a new-found self-confidence that will serve you well in the days to come. Life can be much easier and a lot more fun when you are able to develop a good feeling of self-worth and self-confidence.
Of course all of that might be easier said than done. Forgiving yourself, as I mentioned earlier, is harder than it looks. It’s not something that comes easy to most of us. If you’re lacking in self-worth, and self-confidence, it will be even harder. The Good News is that you can get there Read more